Ahoy, motherfucker!
Son of a bitch.
Oh, y'all the silent type?
Well, somebody's
gonna buy me a new TV!
16-inch colour.
Ahoy there! You in there, somebody?
Is this a joke?
Arrogant motherfuckers in here
don't wanna say nothin'. Shit.
I'm too old for this shit. Ahoy!
Help me! Help me!
Oh, help, somebody! Help me!
Help me, please.
That sure as hell wasn't Lassie.
Big motherfucker!
Jesus, Mary and Jo-Jo.
Jesus, Mary and Jo-Jo!
Get the hell outta here!
Don't be bringing
your nappy black ass back here!
- My Adidas! Damn, what' d I do?
- You was snorin'!