Sorry. This never happened before.
That's unbelievable.
- Thank God you were here.
- God had nothing to do with it.
- I'm Max.
- Rita. Rita Veder.
I think...
You know, I know
this is gonna sound like a line
but I really feel like I've seen you
somewhere before.
- Do you believe in the supernatural?
- I might.
Well, I had this dream...
What kind of dream?
There was a beautiful woman...
a woman with a smile so lovely
it could brighten the darkest night.
But she was trapped.
She was trapped in a prison
where the moon never shined.
She couldn't escape
because she didn't know how.
And then I came and I set her free.
Did you?
The woman was you, Rita.
I recognise you.
How did you set me free?
I set you free with a dance.
Let me show you.