
there will be eventually.
Anyway, I've come here
because I need to ask you a question.

Where-- Where did
your dirt come from ?

Is it from Dryland ?
Do you know what this is ?
The ancients-- They did something
terrible, didn't they ?

To cause all this water.
Hundreds-- Hundreds of years ago.

If I tell you,
will you open this lock ?

I haven't a key.
- There's a mooring cleat down there.
- What ?

- Good as any key.
- A mooring cleat ?

I won't hurt anyone.
I'll just leave.

- I'll be right back.
- Gregor !

What's your business there ?
- Move along !
- I'm not a brave man.

If you know anything about Dryland,
please tell me. Please !

Don't let it die with you.
No, no, no, no.
Stop !

Gregor ! Move along !
After considerable deliberation
of the evidence at hand,

it is our decision
that this mute-o...

does, indeed,
constitute a threat.

Therefore, in the interest
of public safety,

he is hereby sentenced
to be recycled...

in the customary fashion.
