
And it feels like cold shit !
Deacon ? What--
I'm sorry. I-It's just that
there's a problem in the pit.

Maybe you should come.
- Let's drive.
The pit. Don't bother
with the scenic route.

Drive !
Hey, it's drivin' better.
Get off !
Get over there.
Get out of the way.

All right, all right, all right.
Okay, okay.

You guys are great.
Bless all you cousins over there.

Keep up the good work.
Growth is progress. Growth is progress.

Somebody !
Hey, up there !

Take it off !
- Yes.
- Your Deaconship.

Hello. Good morning.
Or night,

whichever the case may be.
- What is it ? I'm a busy man.
- I thought you should know.

We're down to exactly...
four feet, nine inches
of black stuff.

- Thank you, sir.
- How many G's is that after refinin' ?
- Maybe three refuelers.

- We'll burn through that in two lunars.
- Sweet Joe !

Will somebody please tell me
what's happened to this place ?

We outgrowed it.
All right, the only thing
that is important is the tattooed girl.

We don't spare any go-juice
findin' her.

We don't waste it anywhere else.
You cancel all those tractor pulls...
