Someone barfed there
fourth period.
Hi, Dawn.
Sorry to bother you.
But we were just wondering,
are you a lesbian?
- Well, are you?
- No.
She made a pass at me.
Lesbo, lesbo, lesbo
Lesbo, lesbo
Fag! You're a faggotl
Aren't you?
'"I'm a faggot."
Admit it. Say it.
You look beautiful
in this suit, Troy.
- Look, get over here.
- Where the hell you going?
You fuckin' faggot. You're a faggot,
aren't you, Troy-boy?
Aren't you?
Admit it. Say, "I'm a faggot."
Say it.
- Say it, faggot. Say it!
- Say it.
- I'm a faggot.
- Why don't you leave him alone?
Hey, guys, watch out.
It's the Wienerdog!
It's dogface.
You guys are such jerks.
What's the matter, ugly?
You like faggots?
Let's get out of here.
Her face is killing me.
Are you all right,
Leave me alone,