Hey, that didn't sound
too much like "'Satisfaction."
- Yeah, what's the matter, do you think?
- I don't know.
It says B-flat.
I'm just playing what it says.
Play me an "'A."
- This is bad.
- Yeah, we sound like shit.
- I knew this band was gonna suck.
- What does "suck" mean?
Missy, go play with Dawn.
We've just got to practice more.
Hell, it's our first time.
What do you think the Stones sounded
like the first time they practiced?
I'm gonna close the garage door
so we can get some privacy.
Let's take it from the top.
A one and a two
and a one, two, three, fourl
Toss-up quesfion:
Spell fhe word 'safellite. '
Correcf. 20 poinfs.
You're not supposed to drink
in the TV room.
- Drop dead, lesbo.
- Riverdale has 200.
- London is locafed along which river?
- Mommy, Dawn called me "'lesbo."
- Hold on, Rita.
- The Thames.
Oh, Dawn!
Dawn, I want to speak
to you right now.
- What did you call your sister?
- She was bothering me!