Welcome to the Dollhouse

- Mrs. Grissom?
- Yes, Dawn?

- Brandon's trying to copy my answers.
- You liel

You were too,
and you know it!

Dawn, Brandon,
you can see me here at 3:00.

I'm giving you both detention.
Oh, hi.
You didn't come in here
to wash your hands.

Y-Yes, I did.
You came in here
to take a shit.

N-No. Really.
I don't have to go.

- My hands were dirty, that's all.
- Liar.

I can smell you from here.
- Please let me go.
- First...

take a shit.
- But I'll be late for Science.
- Well, you're not leaving until you do.

You know, Lolita, me and my neighbor
are starting this new club.

And if you want,
you can be vice president.

Fuck you.
And I really wasn't the one
who was cheating. I'm innocent.
