Welcome to the Dollhouse

'Dear Mark, I thought long and hard...
over whaf we discussed at camp
and talked about it wifh my mofher.

She agrees with me: Sex is
an imporfanf thing to experimenf wifh...

before marriage, buf only if there is
a serious commitmenf on bofh ends.

This is my fhird letfer
fo you, and I'm going fo assume...

fhaf you do nof wanf
fo continue our relafionship...

if I do nof hear back
from you wifhin ten days.

Your (ex-?) girlfriend...

Naomi Hayes-Blaft.
P.S. I'm gefting hooked up
to E-mail for my birfhday.

I'll lef you know my address
as soon as if happens. '

- What are you doing?
- Computer Science.

Is Steve good
at Computer Science?

He's fair. He's definitely
in the bottom quarter of the class...

but he doesn't fail.
- Why do you think that is?
- Simple:

Because he's lazy.
All he thinks about is girls.

Do you think about girls?
Are you kidding?
I want to get into a good school.

My future's, like, important.
Besides, none of the girls at school
are that pretty anyway.

What about Maria Esposito?
- Steve went out with her once.
- Yeah, well, Steve is horny.

- How horny?
- He'd go out with anyone...

as long as it was a girl
and willing.

Willing to do what exactly?
Go all the way.
You mean, have intercourse?
