Please wait.
Can I play it for you one more time?
This time with no mistakes.
- We're homel
- We're home!
Where were you?
Getting groceries
with my mom and sister.
- Do you know what time it is?
- Yeah.
Do you know what time
you told me to be here?
- What?
- I've been waiting a half an hour.
- What about the problems?
- We'll get to them now.
No, we won't.
I've been here...
Hear me.
You will fall in love with me.
You will make love to me.
You will take me away
from this place.
Love's a confusing thing
In my suburban home
I feel so alone
I walk through sferile rooms
There's voices in my head
Or coming from fhe phone
I got a blow-up doll
and she looks like you
Liftle girl
Well, fhe fwo of us
have made a special world
Liftle girl
So welcome to fhe dollhouse
- I gof if all set up for you
- I got it all set up for you
Hey, Steve, I think your singing was
a little flat that time.