Welcome to the Dollhouse

Barry, why don't you play
an "'A" for Steve.

You got that, Steve?
Fuck this shit.
- What's got into him?
- He can't take criticism.

- Great. There goes the band. Shit.
- Wait!

What do you want?
- You can't just go.
- Why not?

- The band needs you.
- Tough, I quit.

And you can tell your shitface brother
that I'd rather fail Computer Science...

than get any more help
from himl

I can't believe
he just quit.

Well, he did, shitface.
She's just lucky
she's a girl.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Do you think I'II get
into the Hummingbirds next year?

Boys always get in.
Do you think they'll go on a trip
to Disney World next year also?

I don't know! Maybe. It depends.
- On what?
- Hey, dogface.

- Drop dead!
- Let's go.

What's the matter, faggot?
In a hurry to run home to Mommy?

- Shut up.
- Make me, lesbo.

- You think you're so cool.
- You think you're hot shit...

but you're just cold diarrhea.
- Ooh I Listen to this faggot.
- Shut up.

- Shut up, you assholes.
- Yeah, shut up.
