Did you solve
any of the problems?
Good morning, sfudenfs.
All Hummingbird chorus members...
going on the concerf four
fo Disney World fhis year...
musf hand in signed permission slips
by fhis Friday, the latesf.
On a more worrisome nofe,
drugs were found...
exfinguished yesferday
in the boys' lavatory.
Now, I wanf fo remind you all fhaf any
studenf caughf using or selling drugs...
will be immediafely expelled from school
and dealf with by the police.
There will be no excepfions.
Drugs are illegal.
Jusf say no.
Thank you
for your atfenfion.
- Mrs. Lannone?
- Yes, Cookie?
- I have an announcement.
- Go ahead.
For everyone coming to my birthday
party, remember to bring a bathing suit.
That's all.
- Hey, Cookie.
- What do you want?
How come I wasn't invited?
Jed and Lance were.
Oh, well, I really
would have, Brandon...
but we needed an even number
of girls and boys...
and if you were invited...
there would be too many boys.
Well, I got something for you.
- What is it?
- Open it up.