While You Were Sleeping

This will be
the one l´ve waited for

This will be
the first time anyone

Has loved me-e-e
Loving you
is some kind of wonderful

Because you´ve shown me
just how much you care

You´ve given me
the thrill of a lifetime

And made me believe you´ve
got more thrills to spare, oh

This will be
You and me


Huggin´ and squeezin´
and kissin´ and pleasin´

Together forever
through rain and whatever

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You and me

So long as l´m livin´
True love l´ll be givin´

To you l´ll be servin´
´Cause you´re so deservin´

Hey, you´re so deservin´
You´re so deservin´
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love
From now on
From now on

From now on
From now on

From now on
From now on

From now on
Okay, there are two things that
l remember about my childhood.

l just don´t remember
it being this orange.

First, l remember
being with my dad.

He would get these far-off looks
in his eye, and he would say,

´´Life doesn´t always turn out
the way you plan.´´

l just wish l realized at the time
he was talking about my life.

But that never stopped us from
taking our adventures together.

He would pack up
our sometimes-working car,

and he would tell me
amazing stories...

about strange
and exotic lands...

as we headed off to
exciting destinations like...

lt´s amazing how exotic
Wisconsin... isn´t.

But my favorite memories
were the stories...
