- l´m glad to find you here.
- l was hoping you´d find me in Bermuda.
Oh, that´s good.
l am recommending you
for Employee of the Month.
The usual.
- Really? l didn´t know there
was an employee of the month.
- Oh, yeah.
´´Supervisor Jerry Wallace
nominates Lucy Moderatz...
´´for Employee of the Month.
´´Lucy is never tardy,
always works holidays...
´´even if she has worked
the previous holiday.
´´Just because she worked Thanksgiving,
Lucy is willing to work Christmas too´´?
Jerry, l´m not
working Christmas.
- Ah, you´ll get a nice plaque
with the mayor´s stamp on it.
- l didn´t vote.
- You get to ride on a float
St. Paddy´s day.
- l hate parades.
- Did l mention extra holiday pay?
- l hate you.
Look, Violet is sick
and Celeste can´t switch...
because she´s got some
big family thing.
And l promised my kids
l´d be there for them this year.
- lt stinks, Jerry.
- l know it isn´t fair,
and l can´t make you do it.
But, Lucy, you´re the only one--
Without family.
Merry Merry Christmas
Christmas everywhere
Merry Merry Christmas
Christmas in the air
Christmas in Chicago
New York too
Way down in New Orleans
And right here with you
Merry Merry Christmas
- Santa Claus is comin´ to town
- Come on, Richie.
Jingle bells are ringin´