Not-- You know, not that l´m,
l´m complaining or anything.
´Cause, you know, l have,
l have, l have a cat.
l have an apartment,
Sole possession of the remote
control. That´s very important.
lt´s just...
l never met anybody that
l could laugh with, you know?
Do you believe in love
at first sight?
Nah, l bet you don´t. You´re
probably too sensible for that.
Or have you ever like
seen somebody and,
and you knew that if only
that person really knew you...
they would, well, of course, dump
the perfect model that they were with...
and, and realize that you were
the one that they wanted...
to just grow old with.
Have you ever fallen in love with
somebody you haven´t even talked to?
Have you ever been so alone you spend
the night confusing a man in a coma?
Bryan Lynch.
Mr. Bryan Lynch,
please call
Amber Lynch at 2617.
Oh, my god.