This is Callaghan.
Leave a message...
and l´ll get back to you.
Hi, it´s Ashley. Ah,
Lisbon is absolutely gorgeous.
But l´m cutting my trip short because l
have been doing a lot of thinking, and--
What the hey?
l will marry you.
- Jack! Hey, buddy! Whoa!
- Hey.
Shh. Jack.
Don´t wake Lucy.
Who-- Who´s Lucy?
Lucy´s Peter´s fiancee.
No, that´s not
Peter´s fiancee.
- You haven´t met her?
- No.
Well, she´s great.
You´re gonna love her.
You know what, kid,
maybe l´ll stay the night.
- Don´t eat my cereal in the morning.
- Oh, so it´s Mary´s special cereal?
The last time you took
the toy surprise, remember?
- Good morning.
- Oh, god.
Oh. Oh, you scared me.
- Sorry.
- Um, good morning, Jack.
Um, l guess l don´t
remember meeting you.