- Ta-da!
- l told ´em to give me...
the same ones they use in the
winner´s circle at Arlington.
They´re beautiful.
But l can´t accept them.
l could move in here. l bet you Pop
would knock 50 bucks off the rent.
l have six months left to live.
Aw, you´re just tryin´
to make me feel better.
- lt´s that other guy, isn´t it?
- What do you mean?
l seen the way you look at him.
What? How do l--
How do l look at him?
Like you just seen
your first Trans Am.
Aw, here, take ´em.
You can lay ´em on my coffin.
Thank you.
Are you wearin´
the black bra? Ow!
l love black underwears.
- Jack.
- What are you doing here?
- You´re going to a party.
- Yeah, my friend Celeste
is having a party tonight.
Great. Hey, l´ll drive you.
Oh, you know what? lt´s really
not that far. lt´s-- lt´s fine.
No, no, no. No.
Come on, come on.
Okay, but it´s,
it´s really not that far.
l move a lot of things
with this truck.
- So, is, um, everything okay?
- Why? Why wouldn´t it be okay?
- You´re just acting really weird.
- No, no, l´m not being weird.
- Yes, you are.
- No, l´m not being weird.
- So, what about Peter?
- What about Peter?
Peter is going to have a lot
to deal with when he wakes up.
- Lucy! Hi. How are you?
- Hi!
Oh, come on. Come in. Hey, everybody.
Lucy and her fiance are here.
- Lucy! Hey, how´s it goin´?
- Jerry, you know Peter, right?
Thank you. Hi.
Take his coat, Cindy.
- Peter?
- l gotta talk to you.
Geez, he looks good.
That´s not Peter.
That´s Jack.