l need to ask a favor
l've always obeyed you,
Now l'm afraid
Here's the money you gave me
lf it's not enough
Let me take another cyclo
l'll pay you back bit by bit
Old man, where are you?
What did l say about the paint?
you old bastard?
This is a pistol
Here's the safety catch
Now you can shoot
Now it's locked
You just load and shoot!
From behind
like this
From the side, like that
Always two shots. Understand?
Don't throw away the gun.
No one will come near you
Leave slowly,
once you're outside, run
toward your gun hand
At the bridge
throw the gun in the stream
and disappear into the crowd
Don't worry,
it's worse with a knife
lf you're nervous, take these pills
Here's two. Try one