Max, let's go, boy! Come on!
Listen to me.
Your marriage is troubled,
you're about to have an affair.
Your career's in ruins, if you're lucky.
If not, you're dead.
Don't get me wrong.
What you've put into this case,
you've even inspired me...
...and I'm uninspirable.
Do everyone a favor, though.
Drop the case.
No, I can't.
I won't. I'm not going to quit.
I quit now, all this
is for nothing. No.
Max, come on now. Max,
where are you? Come on!
Max is dead, and you're next.
Walk away.
Max, come here.
Who's got the goods?
Pre-trial strategy at my
office in less than 2 hours...
...and I expect to see your ass there!
Free Carl Lee!
Free Carl Lee!
Free Carl Lee!
Fry Carl Lee!
Fry Carl Lee!
Fry Carl Lee!