...to release the
owner from assessment.
I hope I'm having a heart attack...
...'cause then I get to sue you!
Don't stand on ceremony, come on in.
What? No clients?
Just waiting to pick yours up on appeal.
And you, are you on vacation?
Fortunately for me, my lovely...
...divorce doesn't go on vacation.
...not even the richest, most
ridiculous settlement I get...
...will be as satisfying as
watching those two hyenas...
...get what's coming to them.
Oh, dear.
I'm a fool for those
German-type convertibles.
Come on, let's get to court.
Lucien thinks the two
hyenas just might get off.
You saw Lucien?
When? Where?
How is he?
Has he been eating better?
Just curious.
Refresh my recollection, how long
were you and Lucien together?
We were never together.
I was his secretary for 20 years.
Come on, old girl.
You can tell us.
He was your boyfriend.
I am an upstanding, God-fearing,
respectable woman...
...with unimpeachable morals who
has been happily married 27 years.
And I have never had or ever
will have any boyfriend!
And if I did...
...it would not be that old
pickled scoundrel Lucien Wilbanks!
-She did him, a lot.