Will the sheriff comment?
He might make a statement, or not.
-Is it first-degree murder?
-I don't know.
Here comes the sheriff.
I got no comment. No comment.
Hey, Jake. Carl Lee
said you'd be coming.
Are you an attorney?
I'll make a statement.
Get these vans out of here.
Give us something for our newscasts.
Didn't think I'd do it, did you?
How you holding up?
I ain't had nothing against them
till they messed with my baby.
And I feel sorry for their
mamas and their daddys, but...
...l ain't sorry for what I done.
How's Looney?
You blew his knee off his leg.
Doctors are still with him.
What'll happen to me?
There's going to be a preliminary
hearing. Probably tomorrow.
Then Buckley'll push for a fast trial.
Who's Buckley?
Rufus Buckley...
...district attorney.
He's mean, he's ambitious and he'll
eat this up because of the publicity.
But you've beat him?
Not in a murder case.
Think I can win?
All depends on the jury, Carl Lee.
Pick the right jury, and you'll walk.