That in the South, justice
is and will be colorblind.
Impressive. Honey,
that was really good.
Isn't Daddy smart?
That was great.
No, we just saw it.
All right, Harry Rex.
I'm proud of you.
Good stuff, huh?
Hear this? Think it's a press agent?
Don't be gross.
F. Lee Bailey's office.
You nigger-loving son-of-a-bitch,
you won't live if the nigger walks.
Do you have sympathy for the defense?
Of course I do. You're
a mother, I'm a father.
We all have families. Who wouldn't?
Don't presume the DA is insensitive.
But the people of this state entrusted
this office to uphold the law.
Our society cannot condone men who
take the law into their own hands.
If you get a conviction,
will you ask for the gas chamber?
Yes, I will seek the death
penalty for Mr. Hailey.
What do you think of Brigance?
Isn't he still in law school?
Say hey to your husband for me.
That's all.
Hey, Cora Mae, don't you worry.
Wayne, how are you?
You plead him guilty, I'll ask
for life. Otherwise, he dies.
You drop your case now, I won't
bury you before the county.
All rise!
Court is in session.
The Honorable Omar Noose presiding.
Good afternoon, citizens.
Be seated.
And you, sir...