Mr. Cobb...
...this is Stump Sisson,
Grand Dragon of Mississippi.
You were looking for us?
You were right to call us,
Mr. Cobb.
They say the Klan is dead.
Klan don't show up
for a few years and...
...people say the Klan is dead.
Fact is, it just looks dead.
The Klan has always been right there...
...under the surface...
...just waiting for the opportunity
to deliver God's justice.
I want help.
I want to kill that nigger.
Niggers got...
...plenty of protection nowadays.
They got the NAACP...
...and the A.C.L.U.
Even the federal government.
...white folks ain't got a chance.
Except the Klan.
I'm going to tell you what.
You get 5 or 6 of your
friends of similar thinking...
...and we'll initiate...
...the Madison County Klavern.
Even make you leader.
Now, you tell me...
...who's that nigger's lawyer?
Local boy.
His name's Brigance.
He's got a pretty good reputation.
He got family?
Yes, sir. He has a wife and a daughter.