A Time to Kill

I made Ozzie bring me.
Shit, Dwayne, we...
We knowed each other since childhood.
It's my fault.
No matter what's said in court...
...l knew what I was doing, and I sure
didn't intend to hurt you, but...

...just them two boys.
I know it don't mean much now, but...
...l'm sorry.
Some folks think a black man can't
receive a fair trial in the South.

I'll show the men and women of the South
will look past color and see the truth.

It sure is a nigger's world.
Not for long.
...l'm very proud to invite
you to become soldiers...

...in the war to protect our
Christian homes and families.

To resurrect our country...
...from the fires of racial degradation.
And to make whites...
...the sole masters of
our nation's destiny.

What I'm saying, fellas...
...it's time for the nigger to pay.
Is your telephone broken?
We just had the number changed.
That's what the operator said.
To an unlisted number.
Sorry you had to come up here.
I should've called you, but this case--
This case has us all
worried sick about you all.

This thing could get ugly.
And dangerous.
Jake, he shot them in cold blood.
They raped, almost killed his daughter.
What if that happened to Hannah?
