How much a defense like that cost?
What, about $100,000?
We are prepared to accept $7,000
in litigation expenses.
Carl Lee doesn't have $7,000.
Do you?
The NAACP...
...has raised $5,000 for Carl
Lee's legal defense fund.
And we raised an additional
$2,000 from local churches.
Let me ask you something.
How much of that cash you
offer my wife and kids?
That money...
...is to go to pay for lawyers' fees.
That ain't what you told the church.
You almost cried when you told them...
...how my family might starve
if they didn't donate.
The money is for you
and your family, but...
...we thought it'd be better
spent on the legal defense.
Speaking of that defense fund...
...can I use that for any lawyer I want?
It's not that simple, Carl Lee.
Actually, it is that simple, Carl Lee.
Unless the NAACP...
...wants to go on record as soliciting
funds under false pretenses.
...we raised that money...
...for these men to get you out of
here, not for this cracker to--
Now, hold on. Hold on right there, now.
Let me just get this
straight here, Reverend.
If you don't give my wife...
...that cash...
...l'll see to it everybody in this
town knows you're a lying crook.
Your congregation will
be interested to know...
...Gwen and the kids can't eat
because you want in with the NAACP.
That's right.
When I'm through with you...
...you won't be able to collect
2 cents in the collection plate.
We'll expect the check for
the Hailey family today.
I sure do appreciate your fine work...