Thor got in a fight last night...
...with something or...
He's got cuts all over him.
I see.
You know about these slayings
up in the Timberline area...
...those hikers that were killed?
Yes, Janet.
That wouldn't be the same animal.
It would've had to travel 200 miles
from Timberline to get here.
That's not what I mean.
My question is...
...is it possible that...
...they were committed by a human being?
No chance at all, Janet.
They were done by a big animal.
No man could tear a person apart
the way that beast butchered those people.
The same with Mills last night.
Wolves are the probable culprits.
Very big wolves, but not a man.
Not humanly possible.
Why did you ask?
I don't know.
I reckon that's all for now, Janet.
I'll be in touch.
One thing.
I know you love Thor.
If he tore up Mills,
he was doing so to protect you.
Once a dog becomes a biter, gets a taste
for blood, he becomes dangerous.
I suggest you consider shopping
for another hound.