This is cool.
Cut it out, butthole.
Hey, baby.
l`m like, pretty tall.
Cut it out, l`m trying to score!
Look at me, you buttholes.
- How`s it going?
- No way, Beavis, l saw her first.
- Dammit, l`m gonna kick your ass!
- l saw her first. Get out of here.
Butt-head! Butt-head, wake up!
- Dammit, Beavis, l was about to score!
- Yeah, but check it out. lt`s gone.
- What?
- The TV.
- Oh, yeah. Well, where is it?
- l don`t know.
l just woke up, and it was gone.
And look, the window`s broken too.
A couple hundred bucks for this baby.
- l think l just figured something out.
- What?