No, Sh e's a Ph ilisti n e,
I'm not gonna talk to h er.
Sh e no understand anyway.
It will be just a moment,
Good morn ing.
PI ease, sit down.
Th ank you,
- Ci garette?
- Yes. Th an k you,
Thank you. Th is i s completely differ ent
than wh en I was h ere befor e,
It's a beautiful r enovation,
We went thr ough that with our restaur ant
when we first started,
It's a I ot of work,
a lot of mon ey,
A pai n in the neck, you kn ow?
But I think it come out good,
you know.
'Cau se it's simple. It's a very
simple pl ace for the fami ly to come,
Very ni ce, casual,
- You lik e Italian food?
- Yes, I do, Very much.
I'm going to h ave to ch ange
the dir ection of this conversati on n ow.
Yes, I understand, Okay,
Is there somebody you can borr ow from,
back i n...
Back home?
No, because we did that alr eady
to come her e,