li sten, my br other i s...
It's a diffi cult situation. Because
what we try to do her e is very har d,
- I hate to see bu sinesses fail, okay?
- But I want you to understand,
- I hate to see bu sinesses fail, ok ay?
- Yes, me too.
But we're a bank, We can 't h elp people
who can't help themselves,
If we don't receive your payment by
the end of the month. We'll for eclose,
- Th an k you very much.
- Sur e,
- I wish I could pay yoi with money.
- Please, What would I do with money?
Th ank you,
I have t o go now,
Thank you for the painti ng,
Thi s is the bi ggest one.
It's a heavy one.
- Good night,
- Good night,
- Good night, Stash,
- Good ni ght. Secondo.
See what h e give us?
Look. It's a landscape, See?
Don't you love it?
Gr eat,
Put it with th e rest of th em.
Primo, I et me ask you somethin g,
What do you thin k
if we tak e risotto off the menu?
Wh at do you th ink about that?
Tak e risotto off the menu.
I'm sorry,
What did you say?
Forget it,
No, I don't hear what you say.
Tell me what you say.
It's just that,, .
risotto costs u s a I ot.