Big Night

Why wou Id Secondo say you said something
and you say you sai d n othing?

- Wh at? Wh at's the matter?
- No, Ph yll is, I can't.

No, I can 't,
Hon ey, n o, I can 't, No. I can't.

I don't want to,
I just get sad.
- Sad?
- Yes,

Hon ey, "sad" is the wr ong wor d.
Wel I. N o, I don 't mean sad,
I mean, you know.,,

it just gets me all jazzed up,
you kn ow?

And then I want to go to my place.
but I can 't go ther e,

You know.
I h ave to go crazy.

We don't have to be...
I mean, you kn ow,
we've done other thi n gs,
