Go, Go get you r cheap booze.
He's not here.
You gotta come back when he's h ere.
Come back in a h alf h ou r.
Then he'll be here.
I'm tir ed today,
I'm so tired.
You tir ed today?
- Ther e you go,
- Th an k you,
Tak e a br eak,
You mu st be tir ed,
No, I'm okay,
You i n the mark et?
Are you in the mark et?
Uh, wh at...
Good-looking fellow li k e you shou Id have
a good-looking car li k e thi s,
We al I should h ave a I ot we don t have.
I detect an accent.
- Wh ere you from?
- I'm Ital ian.
- Just visiti ng or move here for good?
- I will never go back,