- Ther e's a h istory, huh?
- In Italy, ther e is n oth ing but h istory,
Fu n ny,
Beautifu I pl ace, th ough, Italy.
- Yes, it i s, Have you been?
- No. N ever.
- Her e, get in. Go ahead.
- I don't know.
I r eal ly can't, but...
- Oh, boy! Wow!
- Beautiful. Huh?
Yeah. Th is i s beautiful,
Real leather tri n, ful I ai r.
Yes. Th is is the n ew one,
This is th is year's car?
- No, th is i s next year"s,
- Next year's? Wow, Boy,
Th is year you buy next year's car,
an d n ext year, .,
next year"s come out
alr eady again.
Yeah, You got kids?
I've got two kids, They see their frien d
with a n ew toy, they gotta have it.
I've got enou gh tensi on in my house.
You know wh at I mean?
- Sur e,
- I'm Bob, Wh at's your name?
- Secon do,
- Pleasur e,
- What did you do to your...
- I hurt my hand.
- How?
- I have no idea.
That must be diffi cu It to...
- What?
- You kn ow.
Wh y do I n eed my h ands?
Secon do, lik e second?
Wh o's th e fi rst, your pop?
- No, my br other,
- Scoot over,
Come on.
I h ave a younger br other.
I hate h is guts,
- Wh y?
- He's ch eap,
Well, but he's your br other,
He's a per son.
I h ate cheap people,
- Me. Too.
- Yeah, I could tell that,
You h ave good taste, Secondo,
Not th at taste and mon ey
ar e r el ated.,,
but it's really wh at you do
with wh atever you h ave, right?
- Yeah. Yeah,
- Power steering, power br ak es.
Power, power,
You r br oth er I ik e cars?
No, my brother,
he does n ot even drive.
Some people pr efer to walk.
I tel I you,
my brother mak e on e ride,, .
from Italy to America.
An d I guess that's enough ri des
for him, you kn ow?
- Let's tak e a test-drive,
- No, n o, I h ave to go,