Come on, No commitment,
So come, ok ay?
You bring a car, park it out front
and th en see wh at happens.
I love Loui s Pri ma.
Cristiano, go get th e booze in th e car,
- "Please. Cristiano, It would be n ice."
- Please, please, please,
Wher e h ave you been?
Wh at took you so I ong?
Wher e h ave you been?
Wh at took you so I ong?
You don 't even want to kn ow,
I want you,
Embrace me!
I will embrace you!
Thi s cheap booze guy, it's th e last time
I u se him. He dr ove me crazy.
I'm sorry, all right?
Excu se me,
Amore, I I ove love.