Big Night

It's not...
- I mak e a toast.
- Not for me, It's too early,

It s n ever too late!
So thi s is to ton ight.
Th e big ni ght
wh en I bring you together,, .

my ol d fri en d Lou is Prima
with my two n ew fri ends,

You guys ar e simply th e best.
- He's your fri en d?
- Wh o, Louis Prima?

Yeah. You kn ow that.
- No.
- Yeah. I told you,

No, you n o tel I me.
Yes, I did.
You just don 't r emember,

No, I woul d remember,

I tol d you,
Come on.
I know everybody,

There's nobody I don't know. Hey!
Hey, Primo, let's have anoth er.
Fuck it.

I fuck ed up.
I'm so sorry.
Do you know what goes on
i n that man's r estau rant every night?

Rape! Rape!
That is what goes on in th at pl ace
every n ight!

Th e r ape of cuisi n e!
- Wh at happened?
- Please, please, please,

What happen ed?
- Wh at's wrong?
- Noth ing.

Thi s eggplant is no good.
It's too thick,

If I cook it I ik e th is. Too th ick.
it's too heavy, I can't u se it.

It's how your br other t old me
to cut it,

My br other was wr on g! Ok ay?
He was wr on g! What can I say?

He was wr ong!
Can you bel ieve it?

People mak e mistak es, That's what
they do. You shou Id know that,
