Big Night

When someone gives you advice,
you shoul d thi nk that maybe., .

they're making a mi stak e!
Okay? Wh at you need to do i s decide
for you rself wh at you want,

You under stan d?
Exactly what you want.,,

and then I won't have to thr ow
every goddamn thi ng away!

Oh, my God!
I r eally think you n eed to be
by your self for a whi le.

Phyll is? Phyl li s?
Th ese shou Id be what h e wanted,
Th ese shou Id be what h e wanted,
If ther e's a pr oblem,
h e can call me,

But we will see you ton ight?
The party.
My brother invited you, right?
No, he di dn 't,

Signorina, ny brother
wants you to come,
