Who are these men?
Has the Bio-Dome
been contaminated?
No, no.
Ladies and gentlemen,
surprise, surprise.
We are pleased
to announce the arrival...
of our two
special scientists.
Beam me up, Stubby.
-Jim, he´s a Vulcan!
-This way.
This preplanned addition
to Team Bio-Dome...
is intended to simulate
the Chaos Theory...
as we encounter it in nature.
We´ll have plenty more
information on this...
a little later on,
and l´ll get back to you...
but as you see,
right now we have work to do.
Work to do.
Who could be stupid enough...
to think Bio-Dome was a mall?
Bud Macintosh
and Doyle Johnson.
Generation X road kill...
on the superhighway
of progress.
They´re not terrorists.
lt´s worse.
They´re junior college
students from Tucson.
They really thought
it was a mall.
Faulkner, get them out now!
The doors are sealed
for one year.
l can´t open the doors.
lf l open the doors...
the integrity of the
scientific data is compromised.
Everything depends on
the time frame of one year.
Screw the time frame!
l have §100 million
invested in this.
l don´t intend to lose it
because two twits from Tucson...
can´t tell a mall toilet
from a damned rain forest!
Squirl, break the ice.
Excuse me, miss.
Are you tired?
l beg your pardon?
Are you tired?
No. Why?
Because you´ve been running
through my mind all day.
Excuse me, miss.
lf you were yogurt,
would you be...
or stirred?
This is your problem.
Fix it.