
Hold it!
That´s Spiderman.
Black Sabbath did lron Man.
Oh, come on.
What, do you
think you´re so smart?

Think you´re
some rocket scientist?

What do you boys want
out of life?

To die and come back
as a leotard?

Well, l may be able...
to offer you a springboard
to that future.

We would like you
to stay with us.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait a minute, man.

You guys aren´t
one of those freaky clans?

Dancing naked, you want us
to take off our clothes...

you´re going to feed us
weird punch...

-Shit. We almost had it.

lt was this close.
Boys, this is
where you´ll be staying...

and l want you
to feel right at home.

We´d be obliged if we could get
some nice cushy beds.

With Magic Fingers?
Like the ones at the mall...
that big tourists
lie in for free.

They plop down.
The kids are around.

"Daddy, look at
the little thing!"

And it just rolls--
See? l have a sciatic.
we have no extra beds.

-A normal mattress?
-Without rollers?

Sorry, no.
Here, guys.
Petra and l can live
without this stuff.

l know it´s not much.
Have you ever been with
a Squirl and a Stub?

For the pillow.
You lose the pillow.
For the blanket.
You lose the blanket.
For fun.
l can´t sleep.
l can´t sleep either.
