You´ll ruin everything.
Maybe you´re not aware of it...
but we´re a vital part
of the homeosystem.
Don´t you think your couch
is having withdrawals?
Are we supposed to wait
a whole year...
for you to get out?
Mo-Mo and Porkchop,
there comes a time in life...
when we must sacrifice
that is most dear to us...
for the greater good
of saving the world...
and now is that time.
ls that how you really feel?
No. This is how
l really feel.
Budly, there´s people around.
l miss it.
l know. l miss you.
l´m proud of you.
So l guess this is good-bye?
l guess.
Attention. Dinner is served.
Well, we got to go. Bye.
Day one, in the books.
Cheers, mate.
What´s with this kibble?
Are you guys
trying to poison us?
You don´t like soy casserole?
Crap tastes like
it came out of Romulus.
Maybe it did.
Soy is our principal
source of protein.
You´ll learn to love it.
Could you at least
make it taste like chicken?
A little bouillon base,
Spice it up a little?
Otherwise, l´ll shrivel up
like a supermodel.
l am so fat.
No, you´re not.
Nobody likes me.
You´re beautiful.
People didn´t like me
in high school.
-Everybody loves you.
-You´re so sweet, Naomi.