And last but not least...
Watch this.
Hi. l´m Doyle.
And l´m Bud.
And when we´re not out
saving the environment...
we´re thinking of you.
Naked, thigh-deep in tofu.
You likey, Leaky?
Our home is the Garden of Eden.
More like
the Garden of Boredom.
l´m Chairman of the Bored.
We can have our own fun.
Remember when
the Magnavox went out...
when we were kids?
Fly, Mary Poppins.
Fly, supercali-fragilistic-
Can we do it again?
Those were the days.
Cheer up, buckaroo.
Just because
we´re stuck in a bubble...
doesn´t mean we can´t
cause any trouble.
We´re the everlasting force...
of Squirly!
You ready?
Hut one, hut two,
hut, hut, hike!
Let me through.
Come on, let me through.
Neon Deion.
No fair! Personal foul!
You want some of me?
You shouldn´t have
had some of me.
You shouldn´t have
had some of me.
Squirly, look!
Fish on the play!
My proposal is
that we plant these seeds.
l know you´re thinking
"lllegal, illegal"...
but the value
of purple sticky ponge...
goes way beyond just toking it.
Ain´t that right,
Professor Johnson?
That´s correct,
Professor Macintosh.