
Besides, it´s to save
the rain forest.


One word. Raid.
Hey, man.
She thinks she´s cool
because she hangs out...

with Bud and Doyle´s

She digs me, though.
Are those Bio-Dome Bud
and Doyle´s girlfriends?

Get that bag.
Excuse me.
Are you done with those beers?
Thanks, but we´re having
too much fun sober.

That´s cool.
We were collecting
empties and recycling them.

Well, take this.
Take mine.
There´s a lot of waste
at these parties.

That´s awfully noble of you.
lt´s what we´re compelled to do.
We´re having a little fete
to save the rain forest.

lf you´d like to come,
show your support...

Will it be like this?
-Not at all.

lt´s going to be decent.
lt´s at the quad.
We´ll be there.
We´ll see you tomorrow.
Noah, it´s been
a nonstop moronathon.

l did not dedicate
my life to science...

just to baby-sit
a couple of baboons.

They eat like savages.
At this rate,
we´ll run out of foodstuffs.

They´re going
to ruin everything.

You sliced it.
Damn it, Billy.
Damn it, damn it!
How am l supposed to hit...
a double birdie
with the shower iron?

You´re embarrassing me
in front of my friends.

Come on, Billy.
Anatomically correct.
Are you sure this flypaper´s
going to work?
