l´m so hungry.
We got to get out of here.
l don´t want
to have to eat you.
l don´t want you to eat me,
Squirl, the Grim Reaper
is breathing down our necks.
lt´s not looking too good.
There´s something l have to get
off my chest before we die.
Remember that really cute...
little teeny, little tiny,
little turtle...
you had when we were growing up
that disappeared...
and then they put your kitty cat
to sleep for eating him?
What really happened was
is that l stepped on him.
And then l flushed him
down the toilet...
and let the cat take the rap.
He went down like a champ,
Remember your Uncle Murray
divorced your Aunt Flo...
for sleeping with
that flamingo dancer?
Her children disowned her,
the church shunned her.
She started a drinking binge.
That flamingo dancer´s outfit
he found was mine.
My mom was trying to make me
take lessons...
to impress the neighbors.
So l took the outfit,
l hid it in Aunt Flo´s bedroom.
l said l got mugged.
Aunt Flo´s insane now.
but she has her independence.
the Great Fire of 1979...
that supposedly started
in your garage...
when that chipmunk
ingested some fertilizer...
and then fell
into a can of kerosene...
instantly turning him
into a flying little...
fluffy Molotov cocktail
that set a blaze...
the whole neighborhood...
west of
Newton´s hardware store?
You started that fire?