- That's moths, you dumb-ass, not bats.
- Oh, yeah, moths.
Watch this.
That's it. Corner it.
- I think I got it.
- No way.
- I think it's in there.
- Well, then look.
You look.
All right. We'll both look together.
One, two...
- Three!
- Agh!
You idiot!
You can't catch a bat with a pot, moron.
You take a mop and a broom... Oh!
- Oh, God! Oh! Oh! Oh, God!
- (screeches)
Get this thing off me!
What the hell are you...
Ow! Ow!
Why are you hitting me? Ow!
It's gnawing at my skull.
For God's sakes!
Ow! Ow!
- Die! Die!
- Please! You're aggravating it!
Why are you kicking me? Ow!
- I can't see a damn thing!
- Die!
- Oh, Jesus!
- I think I nailed it!
- (screeching)
- I don't believe it. He's still alive.
Can we please try my idea?
Come on! Hold the thing tight
so it gets in there.
- I'm trying.
- Well, try harder. Stay over there.
Moron! OK, it's flying in now. It's flying
in now. It's flying right in the middle.
- It touched my hand.
- If this doesn't work I'll sleep in the car.
Stay there. OK. OK.
It's right in the middle.
OK, we got it, we got it, we got it...
It's outta there.