Maybe we should've robbed your house.
Did you ever think of that?
I bet that never crossed your mind.
What? What? Come on, Dignan!
You know there's nothing
to steal from my mom and Craig.
Hey, Grace!
You're supposed to be in Arizona.
What, you don't say hi anymore?
Come on.
Is this the--
Are you the pilot?
No, I'm Anthony.
I'm Grace's brother.
Will you excuse us
for a minute, Bernice?
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
You told her--
You told your friend Bernice
I'm some kind of jet pilot?
What was I supposed to say,
they stuck you in an insane asylum?
It wasn't an insane asylum, Grace.
I explained it was for exhaustion.
Yes, exhaustion.
You haven't worked a day in your life.
How could you be exhausted?
Okay, sit down. Okay?
I didn't come up here today
to argue with you, okay?
- I got some friends waiting for me--
- Who?
- Some associates.
- Dignan?
Yeah, Dignan, but also--
What's wrong with Dignan, Grace?
I thought you liked Dignan.
- I do like Dignan.
- Then why did you sigh?
But he's a liar.
Bob Mapplethorpe,
potential getaway driver, go!
Bob Mapplethorpe,
potential getaway driver, go!
- Go.
- There's an air of mystery about me.
Don't complicate it. Your strength is
you have a car you can provide.
Sell yourself. Start over.
You ready? Go.
Okay. All right.
I'm a risk taker.
I'm growin' an entire crop of marijuana
plants in my parents' back yard.