- Okay, wait right here.
- Come on, let's go.
Don't panic.
Get him to open the door.
- Don't panic.
- I left my sweater inside.
I know. Do you have
a lost and found?
- Here he comes.
- A lost and found?
- I'm sorry. We're closed, sir.
- I left my sweater in--
What's that on your nose?
I cut it. I got a cut across the bridge.
Do you have a lost and found?
- Can you come back tomorrow?
- I can't. I gotta get it tonight.
Well, let me check with my manager.
Hold on one second. Just stand inside.
Hey, excuse me, sir.
We're closed.
- Oh. What about that guy?
- I left my sweater in here.
- He forgot his sweater.
- Oh, yeah? I left some money in there.
- Money? Where?
- In the cash register. Step back.
Where are the other stockers?
Who? Robbie? He might be in Literature.
That's his section.
Hey, is that the manager?
Who is that? Come here!
- I'm gonna go down this aisle.
- What's going on here?
- I'm sending you both back there.
- All right!
Come on, move!
Okay, sit down!
Get up against the wall!
What's in here? Where's the money?
Talk, stretch!
It's in the drawer.
Okay, there it is.
Come on, open up that drawer.
- No, it's not.
- The other one!
There's the money. Okay.
Put it in one of those bags.
Get one of those bags.
Let's move! Come on!
A bigger one, you idiot!
Don't call me an idiot,
you punk.
Do you have bigger bags
for atlases or dictionaries, sir?
- Robbie?
- Uh-huh.
Aren't you supposed to be in literature?
- It's all full up.
- They need you in the office right now.