If you don't mind, I'd appreciate it
if you didn't mention...
to Bob about me getting fired.
I won't.
On the run from Johnny Law.
It ain't no trip to Cleveland.
I love it!
And another one for me!
Bobby, one for you!
Anthony, fire away!
Somebody hand me one! I'm gonna
throw it out the window! Cherry bomb!
Did you hear that?
Dignan, I don't expect you
to be as depressed as I am...
but I don't think--
Watch the road, Bob.
But I don't think that
your happiness is quite appropriate.
I mean, your 75-year plan
does not seem to be working, you know?
The only thing I've learned so f ar
is that crime does not pay.
Gee, man, that's not the greatest
attitude in the world to have.
I don't think we get anywhere
by complaining, guys.
Okay. You're right.
There we go.
Perfect little place to lie low.
We'II get in touch with Mr. Henry.
I'll get the best room in the house.
Crime does pay.