You'll get out the scotch
that Gino drinks.
As you do, the bottle
will slip from your hands.
An accident.
[ Caesar ]
Vi, what the hell was that?
Vi, you can't hear me?
- Ah, fuck!
- Caesar, it slipped.
- I was trying to get ready.
- How the fuck did you do that?
Caesar, it was an accident.
I didn't mean to.
- I'll get some more.
- There's no fuckin' time!
Don't be silly.
There's lots of time.
I'll clean this up and I'll be back
before you're even dressed.
Fuck, Vi!
When you open the door,
I'll be there.
[ Violet ]
What if he sees you?
[ Corky ]
He won't.
You can't know for certain
that he won't see you.
- Trust me.
- I'm just asking. What if?
If he does...
then I won't have a choice,
will I?
When I'm inside,
I'll get the money.
I'm gonna need something
to fill the case.
Hide it near the desk.