Broken Arrow

Don't shoot!
- Where is he?
- I don't know!

Oh, no!
Go, go, go!
Holy shit!
Novacek must have hit a canyon wall.
- Do you think?
- Maybe.

You said you'd planned this thing carefully!
How are we going to move those things now?
Use the trucks.
The trucks now!
You listen to me...
I've spent a lot of money underwriting this,
and frankly,...

.. you're beginning to shake my confidence!
Mm-hm... mm-hm... Well...
Yeah, well, I uh...
I do appreciate the money...
.. that you and your associates
have invested in this operation.

But it is an operation,
a military operation,...

.. and you don't know dick about that.
I've been in the military for 20 years.
I planned and flew
over 100 missions in the Gulf.

These boys are motivated
and they are highly trained, like me.

This is what I do, Mr Pritchett.
