Do you mind?
No, I don't mind at all.
Care for one?
The one in the front has got the nukes in.
How do you know?
There's only a driver.
They're keeping the weight down.
- Give me your gun again, will ya?
- What are you gonna do?
Well,... I'll think of something.
Wait... We know where they are.
Let's phone for help.
If they make it to the river,
I'm gonna lose 'em again.
But you get to the phone, okay?
- Then I'm going with you.
- No, you're not.
- You're gonna need help!
- Lady, I don't have time to argue.
The nuclear weapons are my responsibility.
You're a park ranger.
I'm a military officer.
Go to the phone.
Oh, this is a bad idea!
- Hi!
- Hi.
Hale! Goddamn!