This place has been prepped.
Deak's been here.
You think he's coming back?
That'd be my guess.
We may not have a lot oftime.
What are we gonna do?
We just take away
his reason for being here.
Wanna help me unload these things?
Where do you think they're going?
Same place we were.
It's the only thing on this road.
My God!
Are you sure you know what you're doing?
When you fly with nuclear weapons,
you're trained...
.. to retrieve if possible,
disable if necessary, destroy if essential.
What are we doing?
I'm gonna disable it.
You have to arm these things with a code.
If you enter the wrong code three times,
the nuke goes dead.
All the circuitry shuts down and shorts out.
Pretty soon these things'll be
nothing more than paperweights.
Hale! Pick up!
Pick up!
Come on, buddy. Pick up the phone.