I got 20 bucks that says
you're gonna see him first.
- Really?
- Yeah.
You're gonna ransom Salt Lake City,
aren't you?
- Well, why do you say that?
- St Jude's Hospital?
You'll hide the warheads in Radiology...
.. so they don't show up
on any satellite scans. Right?
- Huh! Well, I'm impressed.
- Thank you.
- So how much will you ask for?
- Lots.
I got a broker in Stockholm
who's gonna buy me 5% ofVolvo.
For the rest of my years,
I'm gonna live offthe dividends,...
.. happy in the knowledge...
.. that I'm helping to make
the safest automobiles in the world.
So that's what this is all about?
The money?
Well, look, you tell me why. Go ahead.
You tell me why.
Because you've been passed over
for promotion so often...
.. you wanna show the bastards you're right!
Maybe it's because
everybody's cashing out, so why not you?
Or your mother dropped you
on your head as a baby.
Who the hell cares, Deak?
There's no difference between you
and a guy who shoots up a school yard.
You both got a head full of bad wiring!
- What was that?
- You're fucked in the head, Deak!
I pissed him off.
It's this way!
Hey, hey, hey!
Where the hell's the other one?
Shut up!
Help us. Come on!