Look at my hands! Why are they shaking?
Because the water was freezing.
- No, that's not normal!
- It's okay. You're just cold.
You just need to get warm, okay?
All right?
Hey, look!
You see the butterflies there?
If there was radiation around,
they wouldn't survive, would they?
- Right?
- I guess not.
It says in the, uh... detonation manual...
.. that ifyou see butterflies after
detonation, you're gonna be fine.
It doesn't say that!
I promise you that we're fine.
How far down the riverbank
does this path go?
Three or four miles.
We should be able to get to Deakins
before he gets outta here.
- There's just two ofthem.
- Running late!
There's more coming.
Hey! I thought you said
Hale wouldn't be a problem.
Yeah, well, he surprised me, too,
but he's dead, so let's go.